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Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

This is the abstract of an article by David Hughes of the University of Lincoln.

Between July 2021 and August 2022, evidence of undisclosed ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” was published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis. Despite operating largely independently of one another, their findings are remarkably similar and highlight the clear and present danger that the world’s population has been lied to regarding the contents of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. This raises grave questions about the true purpose of the dangerous experimental injections that have so far been shot into 5.33 billion people (over two thirds of the human race), including children, apparently without their informed consent regarding the contents. Surprise findings include sharp-edged geometric structures, fibrous or tube-like structures, crystalline formations, “microbubbles”, and possible self-assembling nanotechnology. The blood of people who have received one or more COVID-19 “vaccines” appears, in case after case, to contain foreign bodies and to be seriously degraded, with red blood cells typically in Rouleaux formation. Taken together, these 26 studies make a powerful case for the full force of scientific investigation to be brought to bear on the COVID-19 “vaccine” contents. If the findings of these 26 studies are confirmed, then the political implications are nothing short of revolutionary: a global crime against humanity has been committed, in which every government, every regulator, every establishment media organization, and all the professions have been complicit.


The cabal, sorry government, are rolling out seasonal flu/covid jabs early this year. Here are 10 reasons why you should not comply (taken from Alex Berenson's Substack article).


A 10-point primer on why the mRNA Covid shots are different from and riskier than other vaccines

Many of you have asked for this as a way to talk to friends or family, and with another (another!) jab push coming, it's time

AUG 30

1: mRNAs are not vaccines in any traditional sense. They work in a very different way.


2: Before 2020 mRNA biotechnology was - at best - several years from use outside clinical trials. The scientists working on it were struggling with the risks of repeated dosing.


3: The two large clinical trials in 2020 from Pfizer and Moderna that led to the approval of the mRNAs did NOT show that they reduced deaths from Covid, or from other causes.


4: mRNAs were not proven to work better or to be safer than - or even as safe as - traditional vaccines. They were not and have never been tested head-to-head against traditional vaccines.


5: The clinical trials showed the mRNAs caused more and more severe side effects than most traditional vaccines, especially flu shots. Real-world experience confirmed the trial findings.


6: The major clinical trials were effectively stopped in early 2021, and as a result we do not have long-term placebo-controlled safety data on the mRNAs.


7: We also do not have long-term controlled data on their effectiveness. This gap matters less, though, since everyone now agrees that - at best - they worked against Covid infection or transmission for a few months in 2021.


8: The evidence health authorities offer for their claims that the shots work against severe disease and death - even after they fail against infection - comes from “observational” studies. Those are hopelessly untrustworthy. The reason is that people are generally not vaccinated if they are on or near their deathbeds - and terminally ill people are obviously at very high risk of death from all causes, including Covid.

In essence, the people who receive vaccinations cannot be compared to those who do not. Health authorities are well aware of this issue, but they ignore it, because it enables them to claim the vaccines work.


9: The mRNAs appear to have zero or negative effectiveness against Omicron infection. Negative effectiveness means they may actually increase the risk of infection. Some studies show that the infection risk RISES with each additional dose.


10: Data from many countries that used mRNAs shows the booster campaigns in early 2022 and late 2022/early 2023 coincided with increases in all-cause deaths. This correlation is particularly striking in the second campaign, because it cannot be attributed to Covid.


John Oxlade

2 September 2023




The last couple of years have been extremely challenging with many significant changes occurring in society and within our communities.
As a health care specialist, it has been particularly shocking to me that it has been so difficult for the public to gain access to health care.
Appointments have been cancelled or impossible to get and people have suffered, in my observation.
It seems that I have not been the only one who was discontented with this situation.
Earlier this year, a group of people came together and created the People’s Health Alliance (PHA).
Within three months the concept had gone global.
And it’s coming here now too.
We are in the process of setting up a local hub for Felixstowe, Ipswich and Woodbridge.
The goal is to be able to provide our community with free or very cheap (at point of use) health care for a small monthly fee.
So far, we have a GP, a homeopath, a Bowen therapist, yoga teachers, other alternative therapists, and the start of a network of practitioners.
What we don’t have is premises, admin staff, nurses and the funding is not set up yet.
Neither do we have awareness in the community at large that we are creating a PHA hub locally.

The Power of the Pound initiative is the idea that if everyone in our community paid a pound a month, we could afford to set up a fully equipped clinic with paid staff, enabling us to take the strain off the NHS, and support patients locally without long waiting lists. We could even have our own ambulance for our community.
Then we could use the NHS services for more serious surgery or things we cannot do locally.
One of the goals we would like to create is training many people locally in first aid. We also aim to run courses in nutrition and good health so that we can create a healthy community.
We are acutely aware of the serious and stressful situation that currently exists with long waiting times for ambulances and so on.

This is the first time we have reached out to the community at large, and so we have no idea yet if this is something that you all want.

As we would be funding this all ourselves from our community, we can create what our community needs rather than what we are being told we need.

If you wish to join in with this, then I will post a link to the Power of the Pound initiative so that we can get funding started.
Acquiring premises and kitting it out with a GP style surgery is the first priority.

Does anyone have any knowledge about vacant property that we could use in the first instance as a clinic?

Are there any health care professionals that would like to join us?

Please comment below.
We are in the early stages of this and aware that we have a lot to achieve.


Name withheld

3 September 2022


As for raising funds, £1 a month is not going to be sufficient. We will need to set up a subscription scheme and look for grants, donations and sponsorship. Anyone who can help please get in touch.

John Oxlade

25 November 2022



Our Cambridgeshire sister hub linked to the following website. I hope you find this informative.

John Oxlade

28 November 2022





I watched this presentation with interest. It is 70 minutes long, but worth every one of those minutes. For those "in the know" it provides essential evidence of what we have been saying. For those not "in the know" it is essential education. I urge you all to watch this while it remains on YouTube - I would not be surprised if it were removed. It finishes with a request to all of us to write to our MPs with a demand to stop the rollout of cov*d-19 vaccines immediately. If you do not understand why then you absolutely must watch the video.

John Oxlade

25 November 2022

(2) Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence Based Medicine? - YouTube


More great thoughts from Laura Aboli (taken from her Telegram channel)


I often speak of humanity’s current journey of transformation and the destination we hope to reach; that of truth, peace and freedom.

I do believe that it’s important to have the vision of where we want to get to, but life is what happens whilst we are trying to get there, so we must also make sure to live the ‘now’ as best as we can.

We must, despite circumstances, learn to be happy at every stage of the journey, this is what mastering life is all about; having the capacity to be centred and content no matter what life throws at you.

The key is to remember that happiness is not something found outside of yourself but within you.

Understanding this, is one of the most important and difficult lessons in life, but one that when mastered will transform your life forever.

The first step, as counterintuitive as it may sound, is to stop seeking happiness. In the searching is where the problem lies, for you would not search for something you already possess would you? So know that the ability to be happy is something that is entirely up to you, and you already possess that ability, you must simply learn to put it into practice.

Personally, I have found that the closer I am to the person I was meant to be, the happier I feel. It has taken me my entire life to get here and I can see, looking back, how the lessons I have overcome were getting me closer to where I needed to be. This in itself makes me happy.

Knowing that I am on a journey of personal and collective transformation makes me happy, learning something new everyday makes me happy, knowing that I am making a positive contribution makes me happy, making someone feel good makes me happy, encouraging people to dare be themselves makes me happy.

When you can finally analyse your life and claim that your happiness is being derived from being, doing and giving, instead of having, owning and using, you can be proud of having mastered one of the most important lessons in life and the reward is the wisdom, the strength and the freedom to know that happiness will no longer elude you, it was always with you, you just didn’t know it.


Posted by John Oxlade

9 November 2022


Great words from Laura Aboli (from her Telegram channel)

Don’t let your background determine who you will be.

I know some of you may have had troubled childhoods, disfunctional families and less than desirable circumstances growing up, but difficult beginnings will have made you far more resourceful and resilient than those that had it easier from the start.

Use this to your advantage and think of it as early important lessons.

You can’t change the past, so make use of it positively, no matter how negative it may have been. Choose to let it empower you, instead of weaken you.

Often the difference between those that achieve what they want and those that don’t, lies not so much in their abilities but in their mind set.

A child that grows up in an impoverished environment often sets their goals within certain parameters, ie; they cap their ambitions to what they think ‘people of their kind or background’ can achieve.

Whereas those that experienced a more privileged start, simply grow up thinking anything is achievable.

The difference between the two, is in many cases not ability or intelligence, but simply the mindset.

Don’t let where you start determine where you may finish. At the end of the day, your life is your responsibility, what you make out of it is entirely up to you.

Is life fair? No.
Is life easy? No.
Do some people get a better start? Yes.
Can you change any of the above? No.
But can you make the best of what you have and dare to dream big? Absolutely!

Don’t build your future with the ugly bricks of your past, build it with the beauty you wish you’d had.

Posted by John Oxlade

8 November 2022


It was never my intention to turn this website into a political platform, but there are those of us who believe we know (at least to some degree) what is going on and who are horrified that others do not see what we see. Those who do not see what we see believe we are nutters and call us conspiracy theorists along with other labels. By saying "we", I am firmly putting myself in the "red pill" camp.


It seems that it is not possible to change the direction the world is going because democracy has died, and governments no longer govern us. They are just pawns in this saga. So, what can we do? Many say, "opt out of the system and do not comply". Setting up the Peoples' Health Alliance is just one of the things we can do (and have done), but however we "opt out" it must be community based. This website aims to do just that, but it needs people to be pro-active. Please get involved.


Now, why do we need to do this? Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former vice president of Pfizer explains in this video. -


Tea Time - CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio (

John Oxlade

1 November 2022


The medical metaverse is about to be launched. We know the NHS has been in the gradual process of destruction and UK Column News gave us an idea what it is to be replaced with. You could be operated on by robots and, if that is not troubling enough, we will all get a digital twin. This twin will be in the medical metaverse. Health as we know it has gone and, in future, healthcare will be digital. It will be customised healthcare rather than diagnosis and treatment. Genomic treatment.

Forget about human organ transplants, you'll get something from off the production line, possibly even a virtual organ.

The NHS will be replaced by private companies (probably owned by Bill Gates) and training will be undertaken by machines. These private companies will have full access to our medical data.

The NHS as we knew it has almost gone and it will not be replaced.


It is reported by the Childrens' Health Defense that California governor, Gavin Newson, has signed a bill that turns doctors into agents of the state. They will only be allowed to treat patients under set protocols, even if the doctor knows there is better treatment available. Failure to follow the state line could mean suspension or loss of licence.

Everyone MUST take responsibility for their own health and parents must protect their children. Health education is paramount.


CHE Online | The Home Prescriber Course | Hilery Dorrian

John Oxlade 

5 October 2022